Supporting local charities
Our funds are collected from the local community. Unless we are collecting for a specific International disaster we believe that the collected money should be distributed to local charities and individuals. The organisations we support are numerous and some of them are shown on our home page. Below in picture format is a selection of the charities and groups we support.
If you wish to apply for a grant then please contact us on our web site at The process can take up to two months so please be patient with us.
Sage House Dementia Hub
Our club has been an active supporter of this dementia hub based in Tangemere West Sussex for many years.

There are hungry children in our community and via our local primary schools we make sure that these children do not go hungry during their school holidays. Tesco vouchers provide the means to put food on their tables.
Spot the crocus plants in Hotham Park Bognor
Every year the crocus planted by our club increase in number.
They mark the International Rotary effort to eradicate polio throughout the World
Charitable work doesn't always mean collecting and providing money for projects.
Our members also help in local primary schools by listening to children read on a one to one basis. You could help with this as well, just give us a call or send us an email.